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Flowers for Florists


Florist Wholesale

We grow a wide variety of flowers throughout the season from classic English flowers such as delphiniums to more unusual grasses and hot climate lovers such as zinnias. 


Our flowers are grown without chemicals or pesticides and we grow using sustainable methods. All of our flowers and foliage are fully conditioned before leaving the farm 


If you are a local florist looking for beautiful, seasonal & sustainable flowers please get in touch. 

Flowers for Bunches

We grow a variety of flowers and foliage suitable for bouquet work. We offer a mix of focal and filler flowers and we have a reputation for producing flowers with an excellent vase life.


Flowers for Events

We grow flowers and foliage suitable for event work, from focal flowers such as larkspur, dahlias and sunflowers to more intricate fillers such as orlya grandiflora, phlox and cosmos. We have seasonal flowers available from April- October. 

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